Subsidized Housing

Subsidized Housing

Governments often offer rental assistance or subsidies to low-income individuals and families, enabling them to access affordable housing.

Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC)

Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC)

This program provides tax incentives to developers and investors who build or rehabilitate affordable housing units.

Inclusionary Zoning

Inclusionary Zoning

Inclusionary zoning mandates that a certain percentage of newly developed housing units must be affordable to low- or moderate-income households.

Housing Trust Fund

Housing Trust Fund

Governments establish housing trust funds to finance the creation and preservation of affordable housing.

Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)

Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)

TOD policies focus on creating affordable housing near public transportation hubs.

Land-Use Regulation

Land-Use Regulation

Governments can implement land-use regulations that promote affordable housing, such as allowing higher density or waiving certain development fees for affordable housing projects.

Rehabilitation and Preservation Program

Rehabilitation and Preservation Program

Rather than solely focusing on new construction, governments may invest in rehabilitating and preserving existing affordable housing stock.

Click the link below to learn more about the local context, housing market dynamics and government priorities on the design and implementation of affordable housing initiatives