The Indian government has a number of schemes in place to support widows and their families. These schemes provide financial assistance, social security benefits, and other forms of help.

Some of the key schemes for widows include:

Widow Pension Scheme- This scheme provides a monthly pension to widows who are over the age of 40 and have no other source of income. The pension amount varies from state to state, but it is typically around INR 1,000 per month.

National Family Benefit Scheme- This scheme provides a one-time lump sum payment of INR 20,000 to the family of a breadwinner who dies prematurely. The family can include the spouse, children, and parents of the deceased.

Matrimony Assistance Scheme-  This scheme provides financial assistance to widows who are below the age of 45 and want to remarry. The assistance can be used to cover the cost of the wedding, trousseau, and other expenses.

Widow Self-Help Group (SHG) Bank Linkage Scheme- This scheme provides loans to SHGs that are composed of widows. The loans can be used to start businesses or for other income-generating activities.

Widow Housing Scheme- This scheme provides financial assistance to widows to build or renovate their homes. The assistance can be used to cover the cost of the construction materials, labor, and other expenses.

Widow Education Scheme- This scheme provides financial assistance to widows to pursue higher education. The assistance can be used to cover the cost of tuition fees, books, and other expenses.

These are just a few of the many government schemes that are available to widows in India. For know more click the given below link